Feast – Mother of Perpetual Help
One of the first pieces of furniture I organised to purchase
for our new church at Glenmore Park, dedicated to Padre Pio, was a shrine
dedicated to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Now I know some who bother to read this
far are just about to switch off, thinking “Oh that’s just another one of his
religious mumbo jumbo so I will give it a miss”. But stay reading, who knows
you might just learn something that might change your life. It is for you
educated ignoramuses that I write the following blog.
One of the remnants from my childhood version of religion is
an attachment to religious ‘things’ like statues and holy pictures. Not the
silly looking plastic painted statues you would remember from church piety
stores, but the realistic kind that you swear moved when you turned your head.
I remember many times when I have been praying in a church late at night and I feel
a ‘presence’ nearby and turn expecting to see a person only to see a statue
which was previously just outside my peripheral vision. I swear it moved!
So I started talking to statues and befriending them. I was
not going crazy because of the loneliness of celibacy, I was talking to the
saint whose image was represented, not the plaster or wood carving.
Anyway, my favourite image or icon which has a long
tradition is the representation of our Mother of Perpetual Help which has a
great story behind it. It was painted centuries ago and represents in
iconography the child Jesus asleep in His mother’s arms. He has a dream in
which two angels come to Him and show Him the instruments of His death as well
as some other symbols of what happened to Him during His crucifixion. One angel
is holding a hammer, nails and Greek cross and the other holds the spear with
the sponge soaked in vinegar as well as the one that pierced His side after His
When He saw these Jesus jumped in His mother’s arm and
kicked off His sandal but holds on tightly to His mother. There are lots of
explanations of this representation but what I was told is that when you have
problems in your life, you should hold on tight to your heavenly Mother’s hand.
I was very eager to get one for our church as well as a
shrine with candles you can light in front of it. We actually used ours as a
fundraiser to buy a bus for the parish (one of the first things the new parish priest
who took over after me wanted to do was use that money for something else as
well as get rid of the Shrine because he never really fully embraced
Catholicism when he ‘converted’ to become a priest, but some good people on the
Pastoral Council opposed him).
Bernadette Boulos actually bought and paid for the shrine in
the Philippines and we reimbursed her later on (but she probably doesn’t want
me to tell you this but she personally donated $38,000 to the Padre Pio Church
building appeal and she is not even a parishioner!) The people who ended up
paying for the shrine were the Rod and Deborah Mitchell family together with
the Perry Family. I can’t remember how much it cost but it was close to $6,000
if I recall correctly.
So why the devotion?
Well as I used to tell the devotees who attended our church on a Wednesday night at 7pm for the Novena Mass, if Mary was not interceding for people and their prayers were not getting answered do you think people would still keep coming in big numbers week after week?
And if I didn’t get the answer to all my prayers, do you
think I would have persevered with offering the long Novena Mass every
Wednesday evening in every parish for close to twenty years when I didn’t have
Let me explain some of the miracles I witnessed.
Countless barren couples came to me lamenting the fact that
they have not got children. I promised that if they attended the Novena as a
couple for nine Wednesdays in a row, they would get their baby. Not one couple
has been disappointed. I got the privilege of baptising most of those children
and some of them bear the name Kevin in gratitude for my convincing them to
pray to Jesus’ Mother for their ‘miracle child’.
I attribute my own as yet unborn daughter’s conception to
the prayers I offered for the gift of a child after trying many, many times to
have a baby with Josefina.
People who had been unemployed for an extended period of
time, miraculously got a job by the end of the nine weeks.
People whose marriages looked irredeemable were reunited
after one of the couple attended the Novena for nine weeks in a row and prayed
the prayers.
But by far the best miracle for anyone is finding their life
partner. Previously lonely people unable to find a person to love have also
cried on my shoulder about their failures in love. I suggest the Novena all the
time. It worked for me!
When I had decided to leave ministry because of, you guessed
it, finding that the priesthood was full of frauds, I prayed for God to show me
who I could spend my life with. Little did I know that on another continent a
young girl was praying the exact same prayer and asking our Mother of Perpetual
Help to guide her. I wasn’t looking for a wife the night I went to that karaoke
bar. I just went to sing and have a few
drinks with some good friends from the parish. But our paths were destined to
cross and as they say in the classics, the rest is history. I now have the most
beautiful person in the world as my wife. Thank you Jesus and Mary!
People looking for a life partner have always received a
spouse after praying the Novena faithfully.
Is it superstition? No, it couldn’t be. If it were, there
are a whole lot of coincidences going on with this ‘superstitious’ practice. I don’t
have an explanation but this particular devotion is one of the reasons, despite
my bad experience with the Catholic Church and its imposters for leaders, I
could not change my religion. No other religion offers so many crutches to
assist people with weak faith. I could write a thousand more paragraphs about
that but I will save it for another blog.
I just couldn’t miss the feast of our Mother of Perpetual
Help without lauding one more time, the Mother of Jesus who has always been
helping me and loving me like her own Son. And this devotion has helped me at
times when my trust in humanity waned. I have met so many wonderful people
through this devotion that we prayed together.
It is pure miracle given by God in reward for people who
persevered in prayer and proved their commitment to the reason for their prayers.
I attended the feast of Mother of Perpetual Help Mass today
in the company of many true believers. No one was there on a whim or a hope or
even to be seen. They were there because they are grateful they have been
granted a miracle that they desperately needed. Their faith, hope and love was
fulfilled and God gave them their wish to show that He does listen to His
mother, at whose behest He performed His first and most unnecessary and
reluctant of miracles.
When Mary said at the wedding feast in Cana, Galilee “Son,
they have no wine?”
He replied, “Woman, what’s that got to do with you or me?”
And you know the rest of the story, Mary tells the waiters “Do whatever He
tells you” and Jesus told them to fill six stone water jugs with water and He
turned it into wine!
So, Mary says the same to you now, “Do whatever He tells
you!” and if you do, He will perform miracles for you too!
I am proof of that.
Happy Fiesta!
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