Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Listen to God today like your (eternal) life depends on it!

Meditation: Do you listen to Jesus' words as if your life depended on it?
 Jesus made a claim which only God can make "if any one keeps my word, he will never see death." St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD), explains this verse from John 8:51: "It means nothing less than He saw another death from which He came to free us - the second death, eternal death, the death of hell, the death of the damned, which is shared with the devil and his angels! This is the real death; the other kind of death is only a passage" (Tractates on the Gospel of John 43.10-11). 
When God established a relationship with Abraham, He offered him an unbreakable "everlasting covenant" (Genesis 17:7). Jesus came to fulfill that covenant so that we could know the living God and be united with him both now and for all eternity. God made us to know him and to be united with him and he gives us the gift of faith and understanding so that we may grow in the knowledge of what he has accomplished for us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus challenged the people of Israel to accept His word as the very revelation of God himself. His claim challenged the very foundation of their belief and understanding of God. Jesus made a series of claims which are the very foundation of his life and mission. What are these claims? First, Jesus claims unique knowledge of God as the only begotten Son of the Father in heaven. Since He claims to be in direct personal communion with his Father in heaven, he knows everything about the Father. Jesus claims that the only way to full knowledge of the mind and heart of God is through Himself.
Jesus also claims unique obedience to God the Father. He thinks, lives and acts in the knowledge of his Father's word. To look at his life is to "see how God wishes me to live." In Jesus alone we see what God wants us to know and what he wants us to be. 
When the Jewish authorities asked Jesus who do you claim to be, He answered, "before Abraham was, I am." Jesus claims to be timeless and there is only one in the universe who is timeless, namely God. Scripture tells us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
Jesus was not just a man who came, lived, died, and then rose again. He is the immortal timeless One, who always was and always will be. In Jesus we see the eternal God in visible flesh. He is God who became a man for our sake and for our salvation. His death and resurrection make it possible for us to share in his immortality. Do you believe the words of Jesus and obey them with all your heart, mind, and strength? 
"Lord Jesus, let Your word be on my lips and in my heart that I may walk in the freedom of your everlasting love, truth and goodness." 

The following reflection is courtesy of Presentation Ministries (c) 2013. Their website is located at 

"Jesus answered them: 'I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM.' " (John 8:58) 

Jesus said He was I AM (see also Jn 8:28). I AM is the name for God (Ex 3:14). Therefore, Jesus called Himself "God." Those who believed Him worshipped Him and gave their lives to Him. Those who did not believe Jesus had no choice but to try to execute Him for blaspheming (Jn 8:59). Today, many people, even Christians, don't worship Jesus and love Him with all their hearts (Mt 22:37). However, they don't hate Jesus. They are neither hot nor cold toward Jesus but lukewarm (Rev 3:16). This attitude is clearly wrong and illogical for those who believe that Jesus claimed to be God. Because Jesus is I AM, we should be all His. He is the meaning of life, Life Itself (Jn 14:6; Phil 1:21). To give Jesus anything less than everything makes no sense. Jesus should be loved or hated, worshipped or ignored, obeyed completely or completely spurned. We should either tell the whole world about Jesus or try to rid the world of the lie and plague of Christianity. Before this Lent is over, settle it with Jesus. Quit playing games with Him. Give your whole life to Him. Treat Him as God. That's the only true way to relate to Him. Say with Thomas: "My Lord and my God!" (Jn 20:28) 

Jesus, I know my relationship with You only makes sense to those who believe You are the great I AM. Please inspire the person reading this right now to take a moment to speak with you. And when they do, can you please respond by answering their question to what is troubling them in their life right now. I know I am disappointed in not receiving the answer I wanted to my recent prayer, but I am prepared to wait for the better answer that you have coming. Please help my friend who is reading this now, to have the patience to wait for the better answer and response you have in mind for them.

Promise: "I will give to you and to your descendants after you the land in which you are now staying." —Gn 17:8 

Praise: John started going to weekday Mass one or two days a week. This extra time with Jesus so deepened his love for the Eucharist that he now attends Mass daily. 

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