Reflection on Matthew 7:21-27
Jesus said, 'It is not anyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Therefore, everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock. Rain came down, floods rose, gales blew and hurled themselves against that house, and it did not fall: it was founded on rock.
As I heard this Gospel at Mass this morning I immediately saw the relevance with my own situation. With the big super storm Bopha hitting the Philippines this week some people are asking me how is Josefina, her family and our house in Northern Samar. With close to 300 people drowned or covered by landslides, its obvious that they were not prepared for the possibility of their sudden death.
This Gospel message is a very timely reminder to people
who have neglected to spend time with God. Many people tell me they believe in
God or they call themselves Christians. But a large proportion of them would not admit to praying daily. It is like saying you love someone and
never spending time with them. The relationship is surely going to die. Its
also like someone who say they are Panthers supporters but never go to the
game. They are not true fans, just supporters in name only. Jesus warns us not
to bank on His Divine assistance if we don’t put in our fair share of effort in
keeping the relationship going.
I spoke with a politician yesterday and asked him if he
spent time in daily prayer. His reply is quite a common fallacy of those who
take themselves too seriously: “I am too busy doing good works to have the
luxury of sitting in a church praying”.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta emphasised how prayer is the
source of her strength and the most special part in her relationship with God.
She always reserved special time to sit with God and communicate despite her gruelling
life of service for God’s people. She never allowed her work to become a
replacement for her intimate time of communication with the Creator. So for you
who are reading this, try to schedule prayer into your daily routine, like you
would with exercise or eating.
Or else you will hear the words of Jesus at your final
judgement: “I don’t know you..”
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