Meditation based on the Gospel Luke 12:39-48
Should we be surprised to see a thief making off with a great treasure left unguarded?
What does this say about the treasure which God has entrusted to you and me? When God offers us his kingdom he gives us a priceless treasure (see the hidden in a field and the pearl of great price in Matthew 13:44-46).
What is this treasure of immeasurable value? The Lord Jesus himself is our treasure (Job 22:22-23)and the kingdom he offers us is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The Lord offers us a relationship with God the Father as his sons and daughters and the promise of eternal life as well. This treasure is of far greater value that any earthly treasure because nothing can diminish its insurpassable worth or destroy it. But it's possible to lose this great treasure if we do not guard it with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. We can lose heaven and
eternal friendship with God if we allow Satan the deceiver and father of lies to rob us of our faith and make us deny God's word of truth!
The Lord Jesus fortunately does not leave us on our own he stands watch with us to guide, direct, and keep us from the snares of the evil one.
Do you keep vigilant watch over the treasure which God has entrusted to you?
Jesus ends his teaching on watchfulness and vigilance with another parable about a master and his servants (similar to the parable in Matthew 24:.45-49).
The storyline is similar. There is an element of surprise the master suddenly returns home expectedly, probably from a long journey. He rewards the dutiful servant for his faithfulness to his master. He has performed his service with diligence and has done all that the master required of him. The master punishes the other servant who behaved wickedly. This servant was not only irresponsible he was frequently absent from work and spent his master's money by throwing endless parties with his friends. The wicked servant also abused his fellow workers with physical force and violence probably to make them do the work he was supposed to do for his master.
The master not only strips him of his job and a secure place to live, but removes him from the joy and fellowship of the people he lived and worked with. The wicked servant is cast into a prison of like-minded rebels, trouble-makers, thieves, and murderers. Can you imagine a place of endless
quarreling, strife, hatred, envy, jealousy, and constant abuse and fighting?
Should we be surprised to see the master acting with such swift judgment?
After all the master is only giving back to the wicked servant what he has given to others through his abusive and irresponsible behavior. The master rewards the faithful servant with promotion, honor, and friendship, and he punishes the unfaithful servant who stole from his master and
used his position to abuse others by removing him from his position of trust. The Lord has entrusted each one of us with his gifts and grace the grace to love God with faithfulness, trust, and obedience and the grace to love our neighbor as ourself. Do you want to be faithful and reliable as the Lord is faithful and trustworthy?
The Lord loves faithfulness and richly rewards those who are faithful to him. What is faithfulness? It's keeping one's word, promise, and commitments no matter how tough or difficult it gets. Faithfulness is a key character trait of God and one that he expects of us. Fortunately God gives the grace and strength to remain faithful. He also rewards faithfulness. The joy and privilege of being a son or daughter of God carries with it an awesome responsibility. The Lord expects us to make good use of the gifts and graces he gives to us. The more he gives, the more he requires. The temptation
while the Master is away is to put off for tomorrow what we know the Master expects us to do today. How can we grow in faithfulness? God's grace shows us the way. When we are faithful in the little tasks and promises we make, we learn to be faithful in the bigger and more important responsibilities
and tasks entrusted to us.
The Lord Jesus calls us to be vigilant in watching for his return and to be ready to meet him when he calls us to himself. The Lord gives us his Holy Spirit so that we may have the wisdom, help, and strength we need to turn away from sin to embrace God's way of love, justice, and holiness.
The Lord's warning of judgment causes dismay for those who are unprepared, but it brings joyful hope to those who eagerly wait for his return in glory.
God's judgment is good news for those who are ready to meet him. Their reward is God himself, the source of all truth, beauty, goodness, love and everlasting life.
Lord Jesus, you have captured my heart and it is yours. Take it that I may have you alone as my treasure and joy. Make me strong in faith, steadfast in hope, and generous in love that I may seek to please you in all things and bring you glory.
The following reflection is courtesy of Presentation Ministries (c) 2012. Their website is located at
"Who in your opinion is that faithful, farsighted steward whom the Master will set over His servants to dispense their ration of grain in season?" Luke 12:42
When Jesus comes back today or later, what will you be doing? Will you be quarreling with the other servants of Jesus (Lk 12:45) or dispensing the "ration of grain in season"? (Lk 12:42) Will you be feeding His sheep (Jn 21:17) with God's Word? (Mt 4:4) Will you be sharing your faith in Jesus? The Lord has given us so much. Many of us are privileged to receive daily in Holy Communion the Gift of gifts, Jesus Christ, God Himself. The Lord has made us new creations by His death and resurrection. The Holy Trinity even lives within us. "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man" (1 Cor 2:9) what God has already done for us. "When much has been given a man, much will be required of him. More will be asked of a man to whom more has been entrusted" (Lk 12:48). The Lord, out of love for a lost world, rightly expects us to share our faith at every opportunity (see 1 Pt 3:15). On Judgment Day, He will hold us accountable for doing this. When He returns, He will expect to see us dispensing the grain, feeding the sheep, sharing our faith. Most of you have heard this message before. This is not the first time you have read today's Gospel reading. However, you may not have obeyed it. Repent, ask for the Holy Spirit, and give people the opportunity to hear about, know, and love Jesus.
Prayer: Father, I will not deceive myself by only hearing Your word but not doing it (Jas 1:22).
Promise: "Through the Church, God's manifold wisdom is made known to the principalities and powers of heaven, in accord with His age-old purpose, carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord."
(Eph 3:10-11)
Praise: Living a life of love for Christ, St. Anthony wrote and published almost two-hundred spiritual books or pamphlets throughout the years of his apostolate.
Should we be surprised to see a thief making off with a great treasure left unguarded?
What is this treasure of immeasurable value? The Lord Jesus himself is our treasure (Job 22:22-23)and the kingdom he offers us is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The Lord offers us a relationship with God the Father as his sons and daughters and the promise of eternal life as well. This treasure is of far greater value that any earthly treasure because nothing can diminish its insurpassable worth or destroy it. But it's possible to lose this great treasure if we do not guard it with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. We can lose heaven and
eternal friendship with God if we allow Satan the deceiver and father of lies to rob us of our faith and make us deny God's word of truth!
The Lord Jesus fortunately does not leave us on our own he stands watch with us to guide, direct, and keep us from the snares of the evil one.
Do you keep vigilant watch over the treasure which God has entrusted to you?
Jesus ends his teaching on watchfulness and vigilance with another parable about a master and his servants (similar to the parable in Matthew 24:.45-49).
The storyline is similar. There is an element of surprise the master suddenly returns home expectedly, probably from a long journey. He rewards the dutiful servant for his faithfulness to his master. He has performed his service with diligence and has done all that the master required of him. The master punishes the other servant who behaved wickedly. This servant was not only irresponsible he was frequently absent from work and spent his master's money by throwing endless parties with his friends. The wicked servant also abused his fellow workers with physical force and violence probably to make them do the work he was supposed to do for his master.
The master not only strips him of his job and a secure place to live, but removes him from the joy and fellowship of the people he lived and worked with. The wicked servant is cast into a prison of like-minded rebels, trouble-makers, thieves, and murderers. Can you imagine a place of endless
quarreling, strife, hatred, envy, jealousy, and constant abuse and fighting?
Should we be surprised to see the master acting with such swift judgment?
After all the master is only giving back to the wicked servant what he has given to others through his abusive and irresponsible behavior. The master rewards the faithful servant with promotion, honor, and friendship, and he punishes the unfaithful servant who stole from his master and
used his position to abuse others by removing him from his position of trust. The Lord has entrusted each one of us with his gifts and grace the grace to love God with faithfulness, trust, and obedience and the grace to love our neighbor as ourself. Do you want to be faithful and reliable as the Lord is faithful and trustworthy?
The Lord loves faithfulness and richly rewards those who are faithful to him. What is faithfulness? It's keeping one's word, promise, and commitments no matter how tough or difficult it gets. Faithfulness is a key character trait of God and one that he expects of us. Fortunately God gives the grace and strength to remain faithful. He also rewards faithfulness. The joy and privilege of being a son or daughter of God carries with it an awesome responsibility. The Lord expects us to make good use of the gifts and graces he gives to us. The more he gives, the more he requires. The temptation
while the Master is away is to put off for tomorrow what we know the Master expects us to do today. How can we grow in faithfulness? God's grace shows us the way. When we are faithful in the little tasks and promises we make, we learn to be faithful in the bigger and more important responsibilities
and tasks entrusted to us.
The Lord Jesus calls us to be vigilant in watching for his return and to be ready to meet him when he calls us to himself. The Lord gives us his Holy Spirit so that we may have the wisdom, help, and strength we need to turn away from sin to embrace God's way of love, justice, and holiness.
The Lord's warning of judgment causes dismay for those who are unprepared, but it brings joyful hope to those who eagerly wait for his return in glory.
God's judgment is good news for those who are ready to meet him. Their reward is God himself, the source of all truth, beauty, goodness, love and everlasting life.
Lord Jesus, you have captured my heart and it is yours. Take it that I may have you alone as my treasure and joy. Make me strong in faith, steadfast in hope, and generous in love that I may seek to please you in all things and bring you glory.
The following reflection is courtesy of Presentation Ministries (c) 2012. Their website is located at
"Who in your opinion is that faithful, farsighted steward whom the Master will set over His servants to dispense their ration of grain in season?" Luke 12:42
When Jesus comes back today or later, what will you be doing? Will you be quarreling with the other servants of Jesus (Lk 12:45) or dispensing the "ration of grain in season"? (Lk 12:42) Will you be feeding His sheep (Jn 21:17) with God's Word? (Mt 4:4) Will you be sharing your faith in Jesus? The Lord has given us so much. Many of us are privileged to receive daily in Holy Communion the Gift of gifts, Jesus Christ, God Himself. The Lord has made us new creations by His death and resurrection. The Holy Trinity even lives within us. "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man" (1 Cor 2:9) what God has already done for us. "When much has been given a man, much will be required of him. More will be asked of a man to whom more has been entrusted" (Lk 12:48). The Lord, out of love for a lost world, rightly expects us to share our faith at every opportunity (see 1 Pt 3:15). On Judgment Day, He will hold us accountable for doing this. When He returns, He will expect to see us dispensing the grain, feeding the sheep, sharing our faith. Most of you have heard this message before. This is not the first time you have read today's Gospel reading. However, you may not have obeyed it. Repent, ask for the Holy Spirit, and give people the opportunity to hear about, know, and love Jesus.
Prayer: Father, I will not deceive myself by only hearing Your word but not doing it (Jas 1:22).
Promise: "Through the Church, God's manifold wisdom is made known to the principalities and powers of heaven, in accord with His age-old purpose, carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord."
(Eph 3:10-11)
Praise: Living a life of love for Christ, St. Anthony wrote and published almost two-hundred spiritual books or pamphlets throughout the years of his apostolate.
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